The Objective of Fenture Finance

Fenture Finance provides nascent businesses — and industries — the chance to flourish on Aptos & Sui while users can generate profit within a stable manner.

The Goal

The goal of the Fenture Finance is to create a decentralized, autonomous, self learning asset management protocol that is monitored by the DAO community for the emerging Web3 ecosystem. As from the experience of FTX and Three Arrows, developing a capital fund that provides 100% transparency is important for the current blockchain development. because a fundamental goal of the Web3 financial movement is to provide a fully transparent ecosystem that serves the needs of its backers, token holders as well as the community.

Key Features

  • Provide a DeFi Asset Management Protocol that is holding 80% of the majority tokens and utilize 20% of investment to access the early projects.

  • Fenture Finance provides full transparency on the underlying assets.

  • The Asset Management Protocol is controlled by its governance token

  • The Asset Management Protocol value demonstrates the value of FFD token

  • Provide an extremely efficient stablecoin trades by implementing the invariant swap on Aptos & Sui, which will be significantly lower slippage for stablecoin trades for the current illiquid market.

  • Fenture Finance will provide a Fenture pool which is an implementation of the invariant swap with 2 or more tokens.

  • The Asset Management Protocol will utilize the functionality of the invariant swap to provide liquidity via plain pools and arbitrage.

Fund StructuringStable Swap (Stage 2)Bridge & Fund utilisation (Stage 3)

Last updated