πŸ’ΈFenture Finance

Fenture Finance is a supercharged, autonomous DeFi protocol focused on venture capital investments, yield maximizing market strategies, and expanding the utility of the Web3 and DeFi ecosystem by building custom investment products and partnering with growing projects that lay foundations for the future. We’re natively based on the Aptos & Sui Chain, which is an extraordinarily swift, and inexpensive platform. Typically transactions cost a few cents and only take a couple of seconds to complete. At Fenture Finance, we believe strongly that cross-chain functionality is the key to unlocking the full potential of the blockchain and we’re working to expand our offering across to other chains.

Fenture Finance is a decentralized autonomous organization controlled by its governance token, FFD (Fenture Finance Dao). To participate in the DAO, users need to buy FFD tokens from the open market. These tokens can be used to vote on protocol proposals and direct the future of the project. They can also be staked in a revenue sharing contract to benefit from the treasury performance.

The Objective of Fenture FinanceThe FFD (Fenture Finance DAO) Token

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